

01 參與藝術家

陳宏偉 CHEN, Hung-Wei 
顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru

02 作品規格

Ni-Ti alloy, stainless steel, painting/L790cmxW150cmxH75cm

03 Description

綠能科技示範場域是台灣發展再生能源產業的重要基地,選址在陽光充足的台南沙崙。 植物受陽光照射而生長,成為動物的食糧。動植物死後,經過千萬年醞釀又化成天然氣、石油及媒等化石燃料,為現代文明所利用。從古至今,太陽一直是地球孕育萬物的能量來源。 本作品受此啟發,以太陽為能源,利用記憶金屬的特性,鎳鈦彈簧在日照加溫後收縮, 拉動裝置上的配重,改變平衡使其上下搖擺。不同色彩的有機造型從金屬表面竄出又落下,如世間萬物受能量驅使而萌生湧現,周而復始,充滿生機。

Plants grow due to the sun shining on them, and they became food for animals. When living things die, they are transformed into natural gas, petroleum, coal, and other types of fossil fuel after millions of years, to be used by modern civilisations. Since time immemorial, the sun has always been the source of energy that nurtures all on Earth. This work is thus inspired, using the sun as the energy source, where nickel-titanium alloy springs will expand or contract depending on the temperature and the amount of sunshine. This pulls on the device’s counterweights, changing its balance and causing it swing up and down. The different colored organically-formed shapes jump out and fall back below the metal surfaces, just like all things in the world driven by energy to spring forth and prosper, continuing in an endless cycle, and filled with vitality.