

The Hare and the Tortoise


01 參與藝術家

陳宏偉 CHEN, Hung-Wei 
顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru

02 作品規格

龜 : 長246寬164高130公分
兔 : 長253寬116高164公分
Fiber-reinforced plastic
Rabbit: L253cmxW116cmx164cm

03 Description

台南市交通警察大隊要設置一個公共藝術,由於他們的主要業務是交通執法,民眾來此多半是因為違規或事故,所以我們希望作品除了宣導用路安全,還能帶點幽默平衡一下大家的心情。 我們改編《龜兔賽跑》這個大家耳熟能詳的寓言故事;兔子不服輸,要再跟烏龜比一次,這次他一開始就卯足全力,打算直奔終點不給烏龜任何機會,但是橫衝直撞的結果,讓他摔得四腳朝天,烏龜最後還是贏得比賽。 用詼諧的方式轉化故事意涵,傳達十次車禍九次快、平安更重要的觀念。龜兔的造型融合了交通工具與交通號誌,透過不同的零件與色彩來表現兩個角色的個性。

Tainan City Traffic Police Brigade plans to set up a public artwork. Since their major business is traffic enforcement, people come here primarily because of violations or traffic accidents. Therefore, it is hoped that the artwork not only promotes road safety but also brings some humor to balance the mood of the public. We adapted the familiar fable "The Hare and the Tortoise": The rabbit is not convinced of the outcome and wants to compete with the tortoise once more. This time the rabbit started with all his might, intending to go straight to the end without giving the tortoise any chance. But the rampage resulted in him falling on his back with his four legs pointing up. The turtles ended up winning the game. The story's meaning is transformed in an amusing way to convey the concept that 90% of car accidents are due to fast speed, and safety is more important. The shapes of the turtle and rabbit combine transportation and traffic signs through different parts and colors to express the two characters' personalities.