
Wooart Design Ltd.

Who We Are ?


The leading artists of WOOART are CHEN, Hung-Wei and YEN, Hung-Ru. The two create public artworks in a variety of public and private spaces, using appropriate forms and media to fit the artworks with spatial tone and rich meanings. WOOART also collaborates with diverse artists to coordinate art promotion activities such as art festivals and workshops.



陳宏偉CHEN, Hung-Wei
無二設計整合有限公司負責人,自2009年參與公共藝術創作與策展。曾於澳洲從事街頭水畫創作計畫半年,受澳洲維多里亞國立美術館邀請展演。在公共藝術的創作上,以研究的精神探討基地主題,用適切的創作方式擾動或回應場域。因此造型豐富、形式多元。 Director of WOOART Design Group. He has been involved in public art creation and curation since 2009. He worked on a street water painting project in Australia for half a year and was invited to exhibit by the National Gallery of Victoria, Australia. In the creation of public art, he explores the themes of bases from research and disturbs or responds to the fields with appropriate creative methods. As a result, the works are liberal in shape and diverse in form.
顏宏儒YEN, Hung-Ru
2008年加入無二設計團隊,2009從事公共藝術至今。創作時總在空間、物件與圖像之間猶豫,在意義、形式與感知之中發呆。近年開始對互動式裝置與機關式作品感到興趣,期望在公共藝術的創作過程,能以更深刻、有趣的方式回應場所,並持續進行不同媒材與形式的嘗試。He joined the team in 2008 and has been working on public art since 2009. He always contemplates between space, objects, and images when creating his works, dwelling on meanings, forms, and perceptions. In recent years, he has become interested in interactive installations and institutional works. He hopes that he can echo to the venue more profoundly and interestingly in creating public art and continue experimenting with different media and forms.

