

Dream weaving


01 參與藝術家

顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru

02 作品規格

Galvanized steel, stainless steel, painting/L624cmxW55cmxH570cm

03 Description

作品設置於彰化的社頭國中。 社頭鄉有「襪子故鄉」之稱,過去家庭即工廠的時代,許多家戶都是生產線中的一環,製襪產量曾占全台7成以上。同時,濁水溪沖積平原的氣候、土壤與八堡圳的灌溉,讓芭樂成為當地名產。社頭鄉目前設有織襪產業園區,並每年舉辦織襪芭樂節活絡地方產業。 我們以"編織"為創作主軸,將工廠裡的機器運作、芭樂園裡的豐收、圳溝裡源源不絕的水流,校園裡翻飛的書頁,以及社區日常作息的節奏等意象,透過色塊與線條組織成一幅抽象畫。 線條交疊的設計,創造了摩爾紋的視覺效果,並結合風動裝置,增添隨機性的趣味。

The work is installed in Changhua County Shetou Junior High School. Shetou Township is known as the "hometown of socks." In the era when the family was the home factory, many households were part of the production line, and hosiery production once accounted for more than 70% of Taiwan's total. At the same time, the climate and soil of the alluvial plain of the Choshui River and the irrigation of the Papao Canal have made guavas a famous local product. Shetou Township currently has a sock industry park and holds an annual sock festival to revitalize the local industry. With "weaving" as the main axis of creation, we have organized the images of the machine operation in the factory, the harvest in the guava farms, the continuous flow of water in the canal ditch, the fluttering pages of books in the campus, and the rhythm of daily life in the community into an abstract painting through color blocks and lines. The design of overlapping lines creates a visual effect of moiré patterns, and combined with the wind device, it adds randomness and fun.