

Treasure Map of Chien Shan


01 參與藝術家

顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru
張育萱 CHANG, Yu-Hsuan

02 作品規格

Color close lightly pebble, copper strip, masonry Paint, L1260cmxW400cm

03 Description


The work was installed in Taoyuan Municipal Dayuan Elementary School. The old name of the area around Dayuan Elementary School is Jianshan, an important site of Neolithic culture in Taiwan. The entire campus is within the scope of a heritage site, so when the old school buildings are renovated, cultural relics must be excavated and rescued first. The scene is an exploratory square pit at an archaeological site. Three imaginary primitive people emerge from it. They are the guardians of a thousand-year treasure, holding stone axes, stone spears, and clay pots (referring to the artifacts excavated from the Jianshan site) in their lovely forms, inviting everyone to learn about Taiwan's Neolithic culture. On the first floor of the new school building is the covered playground. We use the technique of sip stones embedded with copper strips to create a 3D staggered floor painting so that the work can be set up permanently while maintaining the spatial function of students' daily life. The mural behind the work was created through a series of workshops with children to imagine the living environment of ancient humans.