

Roll on, Paratrooper!


01 參與藝術家

陳宏偉 CHEN, Hung-Wei

02 作品規格

不鏽鋼 ,長750 高303 深 150公分
Stainless steel / L 750 x H 303 x D150 cm

03 Description


This work is setted on the site of the Airborne Center of Aviation and Special Forces Command in Pingdong.A safe landing is based on the daily intensive ground training. “The 5-point landing” is a key exercise for paratroopers training on the ground. This work uses the 7 actions of the “front roll left” to present the 5-point roll process, drawing the elegant curves and completing the moves in one smooth action in the viewer’s mind. The angular shapes bring a strong and solid feeling, forming a clear contrast with the smooth flow of the continuous movement, and enhance the work’s internal tension.