



01 參與藝術家

陳宏偉 CHEN, Hung-Wei 
顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru

02 作品規格

Stainless steel with baking finish/L390cmxW380cmxH380cm

03 Description


This public artwork is for the Internship Counseling Building of the National Beidou Senior Home Economic & Commercial Vocational High School. The two suspended hands are interwoven by a 3D drawing-like grid and then enclosed by an ellipsoid. The reversed shape and the transparency of the grid make the work intriguing to read as a digital model. It is an attempt to reinterpret the classic masterpiece with contemporary visual vocabulary. We appropriated Michelangelo's "Genesis - The Creation of Adam," in which the focus is on the hand of God and Adam about to come into contact. We took this dramatic scene, enlarged it partially, and made it three-dimensional. The theme of "hands" presents the imagery of "creation" and "inheritance," conveying the spirit of "learning by doing" of the vocational school.