

Revolving the History, Ring the Peace


01 參與藝術家

陳宏偉 CHEN, Hung-Wei 
顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru
洪駿熙 Hung,Wei-Feng

02 作品規格

Steel, stainless steel, copper/W532cmxD70cmxH286cm

03 Description

作品設置在嘉義市的二二八國家紀念公園。 二二八事件是1947年發生在台灣的官民衝突事件,造成族群隔閡與撕裂,時至今日仍然影響台灣社會。 混濁鏽色的牆面上有一道凹陷的裂痕,由許多銳角且明亮的鏡面鋼板組成。凹痕上穿縫著三個轉輪,轉輪上翻鑄了眾人的手印,轉動時會發出聲響。 我們希望這個關於紀念的創作能帶有儀式性,選擇將它設置在公園參觀動線的尾端,民眾離開前,從裂痕裡破碎的鏡面看見自己的身影,然後撫觸他人的手印,轉動轉輪發出祈禱和平的聲響。

The work is installed in the 228 National Memorial Park in Chiayi City. The February 28 Incident was an official-civilian conflict in Taiwan in 1947, causing a communal divide and tear that still affects Taiwanese society today. The cloudy rust-colored wall has a recessed crack made up of many sharp-edged and brightly mirrored steel panels. Three wheels are sewn on the recessed crack, and the wheels are cast with the handprints of the crowd. When they rotate, they make a sound. We want this memorial creation to be ceremonial. It was chosen to be located at the end of the park tour route. Before people leave, they see themselves in the broken mirrors of the cracks and then touch the handprints of others and turn the wheel to make a sound of prayer for peace.