

Healing Charm


01 參與藝術家

陳宏偉 CHEN, Hung-Wei

02 作品規格

不鏽鋼、氟炭烤漆、鈦 海芋花 高21.49m 寬6.5m 月亮 直徑2.15m
Stainless Steel, fluorocarbon paint, titanium/Arum lily 21.49m (H) x 6.5m (W) Moon 2.15m (Diameter)

03 Description

作品設置於國立臺北護理健康大學第三宿舍大樓的外牆上。海芋素有「護理之花」的美稱,花朵潔白、簡約,花莖筆直、充滿力道。如此剛柔並濟,純潔又正直,正是身為本校學子所需要的品格。 向上伸展的海芋,底部被手溫柔撐托,象徵花開花落皆有其時,但始終有北護大人才的守護與陪伴,走過人生的陰晴圓缺,直至重獲健康。

This work is setted outside the third dormitory building of National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences. The arum lily is known as the “flower of nursing.” Its petals are white and minimal in form, its stem straight and powerful. Such a combination of rigidity and softness, purity and integrity, is exactly the character students of NTUNHS need. The arum lily stretches upwards, its base gently supported by a hand. It symbolizes that there are times when flowers bloom and when they fade, but in times of illness we are always safeguarded by the people of NTUNHS, until health is restored.