

Heavenly Warriors


01 參與藝術家

陳宏偉 CHEN, Hung-Wei

02 作品規格

不鏽鋼、氟炭烤漆 長686 高609 深152公分
Stainless steel, Fluorocarbon paint/ L 686 x H609 x D152cm

03 Description

作品設置於屏東陸軍航空特戰指揮部空降訓練中心。以降落傘作為題材,巨大的作品 希望呈現群傘飄在空中的輕盈。 片片優雅白色羽翎包覆著金色 降落傘,因陽光照射產生細膩的 光影變化。傘兵們在藍天白雲下 縱身一躍,雷厲風行。 展現鋼鐵意志,配得金色榮耀。

This work is setted on the site of the Airborne Center of Aviation and Special Forces Command in Pingdong. Using parachutes as the theme, the enormous work hopes to display the lightness of the group of parachutes swaying through the sky as the troops descend from heaven. White feathers elegantly wrap around the golden parachutes, and tiny changes of light and shadow are generated by the sun shining on it. The paratroopers bravely leap out into the blue sky among the white clouds, moving as swiftly as the wind and thunder. Displaying their iron will, matched with golden glory.