

Dark Horse


01 參與藝術家

顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru

02 作品規格

stainless steel with baking finish, tempered glass/L340cmxW110cmxH270cm

03 Description

作品設置於南部科學園區的高雄園區。該單位希望透過一系列公共藝術將科學園區打造成科技藝術小鎮,此為其中一件。 科技的發展有時會帶來全新的感官經驗。攝影術先驅愛德華‧邁布里奇在 1878 年拍攝了《運動的馬》,一系列馬奔跑時的連續動作,是人們第一次清楚看見運動中的瞬間畫面。這後來成為動畫及電影的基礎。 本作品是一座結合腳踏車運動的互動裝置,利用簡單的機械傳動、完型心理學及格柵動畫原理,將那匹19世紀的馬召喚到你的眼前,回想百年前那次科技與藝術相遇的時刻。

The progress of technology sometimes may bring about a whole new dimension of sensation. Eadweard J. Muybridge, the pioneer photographer, produced “The Horse in Motion” in 1878, which displayed a series locomotion of horses trotting or galloping around. That was the very first time for people to grasp clearly how motions froze as images in moments and thus afterwards introduced as the basis for animation and films. The current piece is to integrate the interactive device of bicycles with simple machinery drive, gestalt psychology and method of animation, so as to summon the horse in 19th century in front of you.