



01 參與藝術家

陳宏偉 CHEN, Hung-Wei 
顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru

02 作品規格

Stainless steel with Baking Finish/L206cmxW220cmxH220cm

03 Description

作品設置於楊梅國中圖書館前。 書是知識傳播的象徵,圖書館是書籍積累與分享的場域, 愛窩在圖書館的人自嘲是書蟲,將書與書蟲視覺具象化,彰顯圖書館的場所意象。 "wormhole"一詞同時有蛀孔與蟲洞(理論物理學中的特殊時空現象)之意,蛀孔暗示了書蟲出沒,蟲洞則是將閱讀的樂趣,轉喻成穿越時空無限遨遊的想像。

The work is installed in front of the library of Yangmei Junior High School. Books are a symbol of knowledge dissemination, and libraries are places where books are accumulated and shared. People who love to stay in the library laugh at themselves as bookworms. The visualization of books and bookworms highlights the imagery of the library as a venue. The word "wormhole" means both a bore hole and a wormhole (a unique space-time phenomenon in theoretical physics). Bore holes imply the presence of bookworms, and wormholes refer to the pleasure of reading as a metaphor for the imagination of traveling infinitely through time and space.