

Rolling!! Boy


01 參與藝術家

顏宏儒 YEN, Hung-Ru

02 作品規格

Stainless steel with Baking Finish, Medium Carbon Steel, Aluminum Alloy, Cement Paint, Acrylic/L820cmxW15cmxH470cm

03 Description

作品設置於基隆市明德國中,該校設有基隆第一個職業試探與體驗示範中心,讓全市中小學及社區民眾進行職業試探及學習活動。我們為此創作了一座互動式滾球裝置。 畫面中的少年托腮沉思,正在想像他的未來,他知道此刻必須透過學習探索自己的人生。轉動手輪,鏈條將球向上傳送,球到頂端後會因重力向下滾動。滾球的移動路徑從"手"開始,經過許多關卡,滾進少年的"頭腦"裡並啟動它,最後再滾回"手"中。從"手"到"腦"再回到"手"的循環,闡述著學習的過程,藉此期勉大家在學習時都能手腦並用。

The young boy in the image is in contemplation, imagining his future. He realizes now is the time to explore his own life by learning. This is an interactive rolling-ball installation. One has to roll the handle to chain the ball upwards. As the ball reaches the top, it will roll downwards for gravitation. This route begins from hand, rolling through many stages. The rolling ball also rolls into young boy’s head and make it operative. Eventually, the ball will go back to his hand, so as manifests the cycle of initiating from hand, through mind, and back to hand. It is the process of learning. This installation is meant to inspire such mind-hand-cooperation process.